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Cara Scinto, CPT MS Nutrition

Cara Scinto
Feb 26, 20212 min read
Springtime Allergies: Home Remedies
Spring is officially here, and that means allergy season has started! Here are a few tips the doctor may not have mentioned. 1. Drink...
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Cara Scinto
Feb 26, 20211 min read
Energy Bites Recipe
Lately, I have been hearing my clients talk about feeling sluggish and tired the last couple hours of work. Can you relate, too? So, I...
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Cara Scinto
Aug 19, 20191 min read
Cold Showers Relieve Depression
If you are already running out of the room thinking this is crazy and unbearable - hold on! Studies show that hot to cold showers provide...
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Cara Scinto
Apr 8, 20191 min read
Red, Red Wine.
Is red wine actually good for you? It's a question on my mind since my recent quest to lessen / stop drinking alcohol. There is a theory...
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Cara Scinto
Apr 2, 20192 min read
The Best Essential Oils for Better Breathing
As someone who has lived with asthma for the last twenty years, breathing better is an important subject to me. Unfortunately, as...
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